Posts in Entrepreneurship
Is Your Branding Holding You Back from Your Revenue Potential?

When you're a solopreneur, you're intensely invested in your business on a day-to-day basis. This can make it hard to take a step back and identify what exactly is holding you back from being where you want to be. You can probably tell that something just doesn't sit right, but you might not be able to put your finger on the exact cause. I can tell you that at least half of the time, the problem is the elusive "B Word": Branding.

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Ways You Can Automate Your Creative Business

I decided around New Years that my "word" for 2016 would be systems. Launching Odds + Ends on top of my wedding photography business means that I'm going to be twice as swamped this year if I'm not too careful. And I don't mean the good kind of swamped. I'm choosing to focus on developing systems of productivity and management to ensure that all of my clients for both businesses are taken care of. I'm also making sure that I can set up automation systems in order to free up time in my schedule (time is $$, after all).

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Overcome the Hype-Static Complex - Creative Psychology For Entrepreneurs

Do you find yourself going back and forth between being incredibly passionate about your work and not being inspired to even open your emails? You're not alone. Life as a creative entrepreneur can be an emotional rollercoaster. One day you're working with the client of your dreams and then next you feel like you're in a complete dry spell. One day you could be inspired to write a brilliant blog post, and the next you're thinking you could never be as successful as others in your field (hint: this is BS).

Read on to learn how to balance your peaks and valleys as a business owner.

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