10 Things You Should Do After You Launch Your New Brand

You've hired the designer. Spent hours honing in on your vision and collecting inspiration. You've established your target audience and set up a game plan on how your new brand voice will attract them.

Then it's launch day. Now what?

So many people take all the right steps in the launch process until the actual launch itself! The last thing you want is for your hype to fizzle out or - even worse - never have hype to begin with! Here's how you can make sure your brand launch or re-launch is successful:

1. Be consistent on all platforms.

Your brand voice should be consistent everywhere it exists. If you present yourself or your brand as being super casual and outgoing on Instagram, then act very formal and restricted in your emails, this would be confusing as hell to your potential clients.

Make sure you've transitioned all of your social media accounts to reflect this new brand, as well as any in-person materials (storefront, business cards, pricing menus, etc.)

Be 100% your new brand in full force after you launch. (click to tweet) Don't turn back or revert to old methods. 

2. Connect with your target market authentically.

Where does your target market hang out on social media? Find ways to communicate with them authentically. This isn't a place to shout your rebrand from the rooftop, but it is a perfect opportunity to create new connections with people your brand hopes to serve. The same concept applies to connecting with other similar businesses or your industry peers. Be present. Provide value and validation to your target market. One day they will need your product/service and you'll be in the back of their mind. 

3. Prepare content to support launch engagement.

You should definitely be creating some badass blog content to be released in the days or weeks following your launch. Think of what your target market wants to read, then give them exactly what they want. You want it to feel like they are falling into your brand's lap by accident. You should also get your SEO game all up in those posts to make sure that epic content is effectively bringing in people that are searching for it. 

Think of what your target market wants to read, then give them exactly what they want. (click to tweet)

Same thing goes for social media. Have you pre-scheduled your tweets, Facebook posts, and grams? Schedule these before your launch so that there is a ton of awesome content being released afterward without you having to post everything live. Not everything should be about your launch, either. Post secondary content that supports your launch and whatever product/service you offer without blatantly having to sell sell sell. 


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4. Reach out without an ego.

Are you connected to a community of fellow biz bffs? Amazing! Ask your fiercest pals to share your new site. Not comfortable with asking them to share? Share some of their work in the weeks prior to your launch so they are more likely to return the favour. 

5. Have systems in place to handle growth.

Whether it's having salespeople on standby to answer questions or handle an influx of orders or emails, or it's having a client management system that helps you keep track of it all, you will need efficient systems set up in advance to help you when things take off. Don't risk being unprepared and giving a crappy customer experience. This launch/re-launch is your opportunity to impress. 

6. Don't count on that launch buzz to last forever.

Even if your launch gains some kind of virality, the internet is fickle and fast-fizzling (whoah alliteration much). You should know your unique value proposition and have a long-term marketing plan to attract your target client/customer and keep up the hype. 



This 5-page workbook will help you identify your target market and establish exactly what you can uniquely offer them!

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7. Create a limited time offer.

To celebrate your launch and encourage engagement, create an offer (sale, giveaway, etc.) that is only available for the day or week following your launch! You could also reward your first new customers/clients/subscribers with a special incentive.

8. Give a behind-the-scenes breakdown of your new brand.

If you weren't able to post any sneak peeks or teasers of your new brand or site prior to your launch, then take the opportunity now to talk about the process you took to get there. Feature your design team or web developer. Talk about your inspiration. Share the initial mood boards. People love taking a look "behind the curtain". 

9. Host a virtual or real-life launch party!

Invite your biggest supporters, friends in your industry, and/or people that helped you achieve this launch! If you are opening a business in a new space, you could use this event to let everyone know how great it looks!

10. Be memorable & over deliver. 

Make sure those first clients/customers are happy. Make sure you are managing their expectations from the get-go. Find ways to create a great experience for them and always over deliver. Your clients/customers will be your biggest marketing tools if they are happy enough to shout your praises from the rooftops! (click to tweet)

Rebranding has the potential to help you take huge steps forward in your business, so do it with intention and do it right!

About the Author

Thanks for dropping by! I'm Caileigh and I create killer brand identities and offer coaching for creative entrepreneurs with gumption. When I'm not helping people build profitable businesses, I document love stories as a fine art film photographer. 

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